Welcome on the site of
Bruce Krebs.

I am pleased to present to you my work of sculptor and director of animated short films. You can discover here, the images of my bronze sculptures, accompanied by my comments. To know and better understand the foundry of art, I prepared you a site with all the explanations. These figurative works of art can be even seen in relief if you have blue and red glasses, while clicking on "relief"... You can also discover all cartoon films and the animated drawings which I carried out for the cinema and TV programme. And my play...

the gallery of the sculptures | the exhibitions | the movies
drawings | comics strips | the foundry of art | sculptures in relief

The bronzes

The news



Foundry of art


Comics strips


Bruce Krebs' homepage
9 ter rue Amelot, 17 000 La Rochelle,
France, Europe.
To send an E-mail to me:atelier.bruce.krebs@wanadoo.fr