This site presents the comic strips on line of Bruce Krebs.
Bruce Krebs' comic strips.

I published in french these stories in many "fanzines". More the share of these data bases are joined together in three collections, now untraceable:
  • Work, Family, Delire (Travail, Famille, Delire),
  • The opium of the people (L'opium du peuple),
  • Hitch (Contre-temps ).
You can discover in line some of these stories... with the translations...

versions :

A little siren is bored at the edge of water!... What can we do?... And if she could be transformed!... Quick! Pike! Where are you?

       17 pages

The Russian Count

This comic tells the story of the two son of a Russian count who go looking for a wife ... as the storytelling tradition wants.

       53 pages
Memories of a taxidermist

A taxidermist - an empaillor let us say the word - carries a poetic glance on the events which surround it.
This comic strips is presented like a poem in six tables...

       6 pages

Numerical suicide

A strange history goshawks of the burial of a computer...

       3 pages
Alice in silver-gilt-land

This comic strip tells the story of an Alice and her very fat rabbit... but it don't speak !

       11 pages

3x8 of the love

This comics describes four scenes in parrallèle. Each situation has its language; poetic, technical and popular...

       9 pages
Baston Labaffe

Baston Labaffe is of very bad mood this morning... Like each day besides...
This pastiche of Gaston Lagaffe was published in "La ballade des baffes" (Slaps'ballade) with the Editions SEDLI Jacky Goupil éditor.

       1 page

the survivor

This comic strip tells the story of a man last survivor.

       4 pages

Marcel carries the same first name as Marcel Proust! Hard, hard to be with the height to like girls...

       1 page

Rocky Luke

Rocky Luke takes part in a very particular rodeo...
This pastiche of Lucky Luke was published in "Banlieue West" (West Suburbs) at the Editions SEDLI Jacky Goupil éditeur.

       1 page

Do you want to go back
to the reception?

Bruce Krebs, author et draughtsman of Comic strip BD
9 ter rue Amelot, 17 000 La Rochelle,
France, Europe.
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