"The survivor", (page 1/4)
a comic strips made by Eric and Bruce Krebs.

This comic strip tells the story of a man last survivor.

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The script and the balloon of this page:
The survivor
Some days before, I met someone by chance in the street.
I raised my hat half surprised half delighted !
A felt, a waterproof "English cut" gave me an air of good quality.
Dextral warmly tense.
Deep in his thought, hands behind his back and chest bent forward,
one would think he actually walked beneath the pavement.
Finding myself suddenly on his way, he straightened violently,
eying the intruder its underground walks,
then, adjusting his glasses,
he caught his breath, wondering anxiously where he was well able to see my face.
He was preparing to launch sorry, air, a ... "You must be mistaken, I have not had the honor ..."
To reassure him, I explained that there was no error because I agreed with him that we did not know us before!
Nor even seen. and that it was very unlikely that we had friends in common.
Upon reflection, pulling his beard, he apologized for his willingness and spreading a jovial smile satisfied, he sent me a free pat on the back.

Bruce Krebs, author et draughtsman of Comic strip BD
9 ter rue Amelot, 17 000 La Rochelle,
France, Europe.
To send an E-mail to me:atelier.bruce.krebs@wanadoo.fr