"Numerical Suicide",
a comic strip of Bruce Krebs. This data base tells the burial of a computer, in "grande pompe"...

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- It had a memory astronomical, the guy!
- One said to me that it belonged to all this large and noble family of the BHK 1000!...
- As of his creation, it had to solve astronomical quantities of problems.
- Ah, that of the resource! Yes, It had!
- It treated as many information as joined together ZK17 and TOQ 80...
- Really ?
- BHK 1000 moreover had, in the voice, an emotion, a presence which left you seating!
- It could speak with the people.
- somebody says that its voice was the certified copy of that of Jean Sablon.
- Really ?
- Yes!...

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Bruce Krebs ?

Bruce Krebs, author et draughtsman of Comic strip BD
9 ter rue Amelot, 17 000 La Rochelle,
France, Europe.
To send an E-mail to me:atelier.bruce.krebs@wanadoo.fr